Jacqueline Marcell is a former college professor & television executive, who after the amazing experience of caregiving her elderly parents has become an author, publisher and sought-after national speaker, dedicating her life to eldercare awareness and reform. She is the devoted daughter of her riveting true story, "Elder Rage, or Take My Father... Please! How To Survive Caring For Aging Parents," written she says, ' so that no one else would ever have to go through what I did." Her uplifting show, ' Coping with Caregiving,' is a valuable resource for anyone coping with the challenges of caregiving, and for everyone who thinks it will never happen to them.
Click on the Links Below to Listen to the 8/24/02 "Coping with Caregiving" Segment of Your Choice

Segment One Dr. Kenneth Doka is a professor of Gerontology at the College of New Rochelle, and Senior Consultant to the Hospice Foundation of America, www.HospiceFoundation.org. He is also the editor/author of 16 books including Living with Grief: Caregiving and Loss.
Segment Two Dr. William L. Minnix, President & CEO of the American Association of Homes and Services for the Aging. Dr. Minnix advances the vision of a healthy, affordable and ethical long-term care system for America. www.AAHSA.org
Segment Three Dale Bell, award-winning filmmaker, author, and caregiver to both parents. Productions include the Academy Award-winning documentary "Woodstock", National Geographic Specials, and the PBS series, "Kennedy Center Tonight". His current work includes a 2 hour program on caregiving, "And Thou Shalt Honor", on PBS October 9th, 9 PM, www.ATSH.org
Segment Four Ms. Jo Rosen, President & Founder of the Parkinson's Resource Organization. 13 years ago her mother had already been diagnosed with Parkinson's disease, and then her own husband was diagnosed with it. Jo thought that it must be a sign to have two people in her life with the disease and founded her organization, www.ParkinsonsResource.org
Segment Five Kathy Kelly, Executive Director of Family Caregiver Alliance, oversees programs of the National Center on Caregiving, working to advance programs for caregivers throughout the U.S. Oversees the San Francisco Bay Area Caregiver Resource Center. She is also involved with California Department of Mental Health. Visit her website at www.CareGiver.org
Segment Six Rich O' Boyle, Founder & Publisher of ElderCare Online, www.EC-Online.net, and ALZwell Caregiver Support, www.ALZwell.com. He is a pioneer in the formation and management of online support groups, particularly those for dementia caregivers. His websites provide extensive articles and resources for caregivers to the elderly.