Jacqueline Marcell is a former college professor & television executive, who after the amazing experience of caregiving her elderly parents has become an author, publisher and sought-after national speaker, dedicating her life to eldercare awareness and reform. She is the devoted daughter of her riveting true story, "Elder Rage, or Take My Father... Please! How To Survive Caring For Aging Parents," written she says, ' so that no one else would ever have to go through what I did." Her uplifting show, ' Coping with Caregiving,' is a valuable resource for anyone coping with the challenges of caregiving, and for everyone who thinks it will never happen to them.
Click on the Links Below to Listen to the 8/17/02
"Coping with Caregiving" Segment of Your Choice

Segment One Gary Barg, Founder and Editor-In-Chief of Today' s Caregiver, www.caregiver.com. Creator of "The Sharing Wisdom" conferences & "Care Heroes Awards." On the boards of the American Association for Caregiver Education, & the National Adult Day Services Association. His recent book is The Fearless Caregiver: How to Get the Best Care for Your Loved One, and Still Have a Life of Your Own.
Segment Two Art Linkletter, radio & television icon for 65 years. His program "House Party" ran on CBS for 25 years, and "People Are Funny" for 19 years. He' s won two Emmys, been nominated for four, has 10 honorary doctorate degrees, but says his favorite award is his, "Grandfather of the Year Award." He' s written 23 books, including, Kids Say the Darndest Things, a top bestseller in American publishing history. His most recent bestseller is Old Age is Not for Sissies.
Segment Three Katherine Dorn Zotovich, author, publisher, educator and caregiver to her elderly parents for a decade, and she has four children. She has drawn upon her counseling background, caregiving experience and literacy expertise to create journals, "My Memory Maker" & "Good Grief For Kids", art and journal writing therapy books that compassionately encourage children to express their feelings of grief and loss. www.journalkeepers.com
Segment Four Ernest "Chico" Rosemond, Manager of Member Exhibits for the annual AARP convention that draws 10,000 people: Life @ 50: A Celebration of You. September 12-14th 2002, San Diego. www.aarp.org/events
Segment Five Judi Lund Person, Vice President of State & Regulatory Affairs for the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization. A national leader in the field of hospice and end of life care, she consults with state & local providers on volunteerism, organization, strategic planning, data collection, legislative and regulatory advocacy. www.ngpco.org
Segment Six Carmen Leal, singer, national speaker, author & publisher, has written Faces of Huntington's & Portraits of Huntington's, books about Huntington's Disease. www.carmenleal.com