Jacqueline Marcell is a former college professor & television executive, who after the amazing experience of caregiving her elderly parents has become an author, publisher and sought-after national speaker, dedicating her life to eldercare awareness and reform. She is the devoted daughter of her riveting true story, "Elder Rage, or Take My Father... Please! How To Survive Caring For Aging Parents," written she says, ' so that no one else would ever have to go through what I did." Her uplifting show, ' Coping with Caregiving,' is a valuable resource for anyone coping with the challenges of caregiving, and for everyone who thinks it will never happen to them.
Click on the Links Below to Listen to the 8/10/02 "Coping with Caregiving" Segment of Your Choice

Segment One: Scott Parkin, Vice President of Communications for The National Council on the Aging. Founded in 1950, NCOA is the nation's first nonprofit organization dedicated to the dignity, self-determination, well-being, and contributions of older persons, www.ncoa.org
Segment Two: Claudia Fine, President of the National Association of Geriatric Care Managers, and the Chief Professional Officer at Senior Bridge Family, a national homecare and geriatric care management company, www.caremanager.org
Segment Three: Shirley Green, Professional Organizer, Motivational Speaker and the creator of medical records organizers "The Pink Sheet" and "The Portable Household Information Notebook," www.promasterorganizer.biz
Segment Four: Dr. Gary Small directs the National Institute on Aging research on early detection Alzheimer' s; is the Director of the Center on Aging at UCLA; has authored over 400 scientific publications, and is listed in the "Best Doctors in America" & "Who' s Who in America". His book, "The Memory Bible" introduces the latest research on preventing memory loss and maintaining brain health. www.aging.ucla.edu
Segment Five: Dr. Joanne Lynn, Geriatrician, Director of The Rand Center to Improve Care of the Dying, and President of Americans for Better Care of the Dying, dedicated to improving end-of-life care for persons facing serious illness, www.abcd-caring.org
Segment Six: Jacqueline Marcell discusses the upcoming live broadcast at AARP' s Annual Conference in San Diego, speaking at the California Governor' s Conference for Women, and the importance of early diagnosis of Alzheimer' s Disease, www.ElderRage.com