Jacqueline Marcell is a former college professor & television executive, who after the amazing experience of caregiving her elderly parents has become an author, publisher and sought-after national speaker, dedicating her life to eldercare awareness and reform. She is the devoted daughter of her riveting true story, "Elder Rage, or Take My Father... Please! How To Survive Caring For Aging Parents," written she says, ' so that no one else would ever have to go through what I did." Her uplifting show, ' Coping with Caregiving,' is a valuable resource for anyone coping with the challenges of caregiving, and for everyone who thinks it will never happen to them.
Click on the Links Below to Listen to the 8/03/02 "Coping with Caregiving" Segment of Your Choice

Segment One: Terry Stone, Executive Director, National Adult Day Services Association, NADSA. http://www.nadsa.org/. Jacqueline will testify before Congress with NADSA about the need for national funding of Adult Day Cares.
Segment Two: Sandy Markwood, CEO, National Association of Area Agencies on Aging. n4a represents the nation's 650 Area Agencies on Aging, and more than 230 Title VI Native American aging programs. www.n4a.org. Elder Care Locator: 800-677-1116.
Segment Three: Sandra Thomas, President, Hemochromatosis Society, "genetic iron poisoning", the most common genetic disease in the US. www.americanhs.org. 1-888-655-IRON.
Segment Four: Dr. Rodman Shankle, Internationally known geriatric dementia specialist. His Medical Care Corporation has developed an online early detection dementia test. www.mccare.com
Segment Five: Scotty Kufus, CEO, www.Retired.com, a resource for people over 50 and retirees, with over 1 million members, and over 5,000 links to other sites of interest.
Segment Six: Gail Hunt, Executive Director, National Alliance for Caregiving, dedicated to providing support to family caregivers and the professionals who help them. www.caregiving.org.