Jacqueline Marcell is a former college professor & television executive, who after the amazing experience of caregiving her elderly parents has become an author, publisher and sought-after national speaker, dedicating her life to eldercare awareness and reform. She is the devoted daughter of her riveting true story, "Elder Rage, or Take My Father... Please! How To Survive Caring For Aging Parents," written she says, ' so that no one else would ever have to go through what I did." Her uplifting show, ' Coping with Caregiving,' is a valuable resource for anyone coping with the challenges of caregiving, and for everyone who thinks it will never happen to them.
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"Coping with Caregiving" Segment of Your Choice

Segment One Gail Mitchell, President & Founder of the National Organization for Empowering Caregivers (NOFEC),www.NOFEC.org, and creator of Empowering Caregivers, www.Care-Givers.com which has over one million visitors. Also, creator of Caregivers' Assistance Respite Endowment: National Telethon (C.A.R.E.), a collaboration of caregiving organizations and corporate sponsors to raise awareness of caregiving.
Segment Two Shawn Bloom, CEO of the National PACE Association (NPA), the Program of All-inclusive Care for the Elderly, an organization that represents 36 operating PACE sites and 25 additional health care organizations. He also serves as the Principal Investigator for two grant supported projects. www.NatlPaceAssn.org
Segment Three Janet Walsh, Founder & Chairman of the Long Island Alzheimer' s Foundation. After witnessing the effects of Alzheimer' s on her father, Janet founded LIAF to improve the quality of life for patients and caregivers. Janet is a sought after speaker on Alzheimer' s medical research and therapies, and has received numerous awards for her exceptional contributions to the Alzheimer' s community, www.LIAF.com
Segment Four Doug Fusella, Vice President & COO of New LifeStyles magazine, and Jennifer Campbell, Director of New LifeStyles Online, www.NewLifeStyles.com, a resource for senior living and care options. It provides information on independent retirement community, assisted living, nursing home, Alzheimer's care, home or hospice care.
Segment Five Mary Furlong, Founder & Chairman of www.ThirdAge.com, a media and marketing company aimed at the boomers age 45-60. Mary also founded www.Seniornet.com. She is a professor at the University of San Francisco, as well as the author of numerous books on aging and technology.
Segment Six Nancy London, author, Hot Flashes, Warm Bottles: First-Time Mothers Over Forty. She is a licensed therapist specializing in women' s issues, and runs support groups for older first-time moms. She holds cum laude degrees in English and Philosophy, as well as a Master of Social Work, www.MothersOverForty.com